You have not known what you are.
You have slumbered upon yourself all your life.
Your eyes have been as much as closed most of the time.
What you have done is already in mockeries.

The mockeries are not you.
Underneath them
And within them,
I see you lurk...

-Walt Whitman


winter and autumn

For now, you are winter

And so I flow into you, for I am autumn-

A time where leaves fall and time itself changes color

And color itself melts into nothingness

To give way to the purity of winter-

Where nothingness becomes a blank canvas- 

A time to start anew, 

Filling the crystal air with the promise of rebirth.

co-written by: Arni Magdamo

The line "For now, I am winter," the title of Olafur Arnald's album, led to a mentally stimulating night with my college professor.