You have not known what you are.
You have slumbered upon yourself all your life.
Your eyes have been as much as closed most of the time.
What you have done is already in mockeries.

The mockeries are not you.
Underneath them
And within them,
I see you lurk...

-Walt Whitman


this moment

This is just pure genius. It just shows that wherever Mia Michaels go, she makes sure to bring her talent with her. I love the concept of this piece. The visual is reminiscent of moths attracted to a flickering light bulb. Mia's vision holds a deeper meaning that transcends the lyrical movements. The trance music, by Nic Chagall just seals the moment, giving it a majestic polish.

I really do hope Mia comes back for Season 9 as a regular choreographer.

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